Thursday, August 21, 2008

The End of Landlord Woes? Please?

Well, hey, y'all! Let's see if I can actually get a few minutes this week to give some updates on our progress here...

First, the home front: we are settled in the new place and made a trip to North Pole and Fairbanks yesterday to finish up our duties as tenants there. Um, we arrived to "fix the fence" as demanded by landlord and get the remaining items we had in the shed to discover that "SOMEBODY HAS BEEN SLEEPING IN OUR HOUSE". And it wasn't Goldilocks, I can tell you that much.
Yup. Someone else has already moved in. Funny, because WE paid rent until the end of September. AND, we were instructed by landlord that we could not disconnect the power or be reimbursed for our fuel oil until Sept 1st, when our notice expired.

Hmmm.... yeah. I'm pretty kind and loving, but I draw the line at paying for someone else's utilities, or letting someone live for free in a place I've paid for, ya know?

So, a couple calls to the landlord (who tried to argue the point), the power company, and putting a friend on standby to possibly siphon out our fuel oil (oh yes, I CAN be mean!)...
Well, the landlord wanted "to make a few calls" of his own to verify that is is indeed unlawful to move someone in while we technically are still paid through AND to make us pay power when he has another tenant. He soon called back, significantly more humble and not yelling anymore to tell us he'd be happy to refund our rent from Aug 16th (when the new folks moved in) and get a check to us for the fuel measurement he took the last week we lived there. And oh, yes, while waiting for him to return our call, I contacted GVEA (the power company) and had the power disconnected. Don't worry, I was nice enough to give until the following day, so the landlord could tell his new tenant they had about 24 hours to turn their own power on, unless they WANT to be sitting in the dark, cold house without running water. (The well is electric pumped.)

Yeah... I'll be glad to have all this over and done with. What a bunch of maroons.

OK, I was REALLY hoping to have time to tell you all REALLY exciting stuff, like how we went gold panning, found bear tracks, and made a gorgeous scenic drive to Paxson- and seriously, the moose count on that trip was incredible- but Beans is looking at me saying, "Mama, POOP!", and,um, she means it.
Off to clean up Bean Nuggets.
Back later to update if I can.

Until then, Happy (and hopefully not as stinky as mine) Moose Trails to y'all!


Tammy Kauffman said...

Did they really think they could get away with putting someone in the house. You paid rent until the end of September so it's yours until then. Crazy people, especially since he is a police officer??? I'm glad you like where you are now. I've never been to the base at Ft. Greely. Maybe when we get back to Alaska, I'll have my husband take a road trip and check it out. Take care and keep posting. I enjoy reading your great stories. I can't wait until winter comes and you post your comments. You are cold now and it's only going to get colder. In another year you will not even turn your heat on until it gets to 30 degrees at night. Just you wait.

Susan Stevenson said...

Of course he can't move someone in and collect rent from TWO people. What an ignoramous! I hope it IS the end of your woes with him.

I'm glad you drove to Paxson. Isn't Gulkana Glacier and Summit Lake just gorgeous?! Also... right there near Greely is Bolio Lake. Have you been there yet? You can fish there, and we've seen moose grazing in the lake quite a few times.

Anonymous said...

Before the Parks Hwy we used to drive past Delta all the time on our way to Seward - seems like a long way now. I remember the Richardson Roadhouse - good place to stop and rest. And thinking my Dad was exiting the WRONG way all the time - wait a minute Dad - aren't you suppose to be going the other way??? Kids!
You did GREAT with that landlord - what a PUTZ! Look forward to hearing about your adventures in moving! ;)