Sunday, June 8, 2008

A little Homesick

Well, phooey. I'm a little homesick today and no one seems to be answering thier phones "back home" (which technically is all over the place, not just Alabama).

Madderbeans and I ventured out to church this morning, checking out North Pole Worship Center. We were initially warned (by Baptists, *grin*) that the place was "overly charismatic". Well, not that we are pew jumping, snake handlers, but we like a little excitement to our church going.

The place was indeed charismatic, but not "overly" so. Aside from worship and announcements being a little um, not our style, the message today was good, the pastor makes the Bible and Jesus relevant to present day life, and we had a good time.

The homesickness comes in here. My mother-in-law would have loved the place, and I spent some of church daydreaming about a visit from my inlaws (who are wonderful people) and bringing my mother-in-law to church with me. I also desperately missed my old place of worship, as the music and people are more familiar to me.
Madderbeans was somewhat cooperative, but mostly prefered to sit on the floor shrieking with delight at discovering how far away from me she could crawl. MUCH appreciation to the church for tolerating her antics and not shooing us off to the nursery! To me, the whole point of going to church is about the cmmunity and fellowship with other people. If it were just about God's word or going to a building, we could do that at home.
Beans was tolerant enough of everything to allow me to sit (well, chase her) through the entire service, for which I was glad, but didn't leave me much time for socializing and meeting new potential friends. Maybe next week, as we will likely go back.

I will say that I hope we make some friends soon. Not sure where the local mommy/baby friendly hangouts are, but it does tend to get a little lonely, even in summer time when people are out and about. Slipping out of church mostly unnoticed and going home to have lunch by myself magnified the lonliness, and I am looking forward to hubby being home tomarrow for his company.


Susan Stevenson said...

I'm sorry you're feeling lonely. I have a friend Melissa, who has three girls and she gets very lonely too. Check out her Multiply site here: and drop her a line, telling her I gave you her link. Her husband will be deploying soon, and going to NTC as well, and she just made a post about how lonely she was too. :(

Also - off topic - I moved my blog to one that you can comment on! Check out the new site:

Susan said...

Howdy from the South! Got your link from Susan Stevenson's blog which I faithfully follow :) Know there is a little envy from those here in 98 degree weather! lol. Hope you are able to settle in and we are looking forward to following along! Blessings from the lower 48.

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Southerner (MS), recently relocated, I understand the lonely. I'm in Fairbanks for an internship for the summer and it's strange for me to be in a place where I absolutely don't know anyone.

My folks moved up from Mississippi up here to the Bush (I didn't move because I was in the middle of my undergrad), so if you ever have any questions, you're more than welcome to drop me a line and I can give you my insight or pass it along to my mom.

She is unfortunately visiting my aunt down in Memphis right now, so I get to gloat about her sweltering.

And it's not truly Alaskan weather in the summer unless you start off the day with three layers and have to strip them off when it's sunny and put them all back on when the sun goes behind a cloud.